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Venetia the Manatee Begins New Year by Returning to the Wild

05 Jan 2017

After a memorable rescue from a storm pipe in Jacksonville, Florida, a female manatee began her new year by returning to the wild.

Her return marked the end of her rescue adventure and the beginning of a new chapter in her story. The manatee, nicknamed Venetia, was released at Blue Spring State Park, at 11:30am yesterday morning.

Venetia was originally rescued on November 30, 2016. It took several hours to free her from the storm pipe. She was then transported to SeaWorld Orlando for full rehabilitation.

SeaWorld’s Animal Rescue Team and veterinarians began to care for Venetia the moment she arrived.  During that time she received regular physicals and check-ups to monitor her health and progress.

SeaWorld’s Animal Rescue Team transported her to the park and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) was onsite.

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