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SeaWorld Orlando Returns 11 Rehabilitated Sea Turtles Back to the Ocean

12 Feb 2015

The SeaWorld Orlando Animal Rescue Team has returned 10 Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles and one juvenile loggerhead sea turtle to the Florida waters at Canaveral National Seashore.

Ten of the sea turtles were among the 72 Kemp’s Ridleys that were rescued in November 2014 during a mass cold stranding off of the Massachusetts coast. They were transferred to SeaWorld from the New England Aquarium by the U.S. Coast Guard.

When the Kemp’s first arrived in late November, they received full veterinary exams and vitamin treatments. Blood work and radiographs were performed to diagnose any further issues. The majority of the turtles suffered from pneumonia and were treated with antibiotics and fluid therapy.

Ranging from two to five pounds in weight at the time of rescue, the sea turtles have been eating well and have all gained weight since their arrival. The goal is to provide a stable environment for the sea turtles to regain their strength, and ultimately be returned as soon as possible.


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